I'm Hongyu Zhou. Currently, I am a Ph.D. candidate at the Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan, under the supervision of Prof. Vasileios Tzoumas. Prior to that, I received the B.Eng. degree in Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), and the M.Sc. degrees in Marine Technology from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). During my master's study, I undertook research on intelligent transportation systems, advised by Prof. Roger Skjetne. I was a research intern at Intelligent Control Lab, the Robotics Institute, CMU, advised by Prof. Changliu Liu. I also remotely worked with Dr. Zhuo Xu and Dr. Jiachen Li on socially-aware navigation for mobile robots and group-aware dense crowd forecasting at Mechanical Systems Control Lab, UC Berkeley.
My research interest lies in the interdisciplinary combination of robotics, machine learning, optimization, and control theories: control under uncertainty with safety and performance guarantee for autonomous vehicles.
My research has been mainly applied but not limited to quadrotors, including reference trajectory tracking under unknown aerodynamic effects (e.g., drag, ground effects, and wind diturbances), safe autonomous flight in cluttered environments, and multi-robot target tracking.